Monday, October 28, 2013

Breaking Down the Pieces of "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"

Before class on Wednesday, read, highlight, and be ready to discuss the Carr article, which is posted on Canvas as a PDF file. For annotations, either print out and make physical notes, highlights, etc. or use the digital tools available to make notations. 

If the PDF attachment does not work on Canvas, a problem I keep having, simply access the article at the link below:

After close reading and annotating, answer the following questions in a blog post: 

1) Write a brief summary of the article's main argument or claim.

2) How does the article say the Internet has affected his thinking process?

3) In class on Monday, we discussed "Socrates Nightmare" and its definition of literacy as being able to think deeply and beyond face value. How is literacy defined in this article? 

4)How are the above definitions similar and/or different?

5) According to the article, how has the Internet changed the thinking processes and mental habits for many people?

6) What types of evidence does the author provide to back up his claims? (List at least 3).

7) Is this evidence effective? Why or why not?

8) What is the article's answer to the "so what?" question? Why does this topic matter and what can the reader take away from this article?

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