Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome to English 1100!

Welcome to our class blog! Here you will find prompts for homework blog posts, class news, videos, and links to articles relevant to our coursework. Be sure to check back for new posts on a regular basis and get used to posting and navigating the format of the blogs. Don't worry about making your blog fancy-- it can be as plain (or as elaborate!) as you'd like. This is your writing space, so make it fit you.

After you have set up your account and created your blog, please email me the link and I will add your blog to your section's blog roll, which can be found on the right-hand side of my blog and they are divided up by section and class time. To read posts by your classmates, just click on your section's blog roll, pick any name, and get started reading!

Now that you've gotten familiar with the lay-out of, here's your first blog post assignment to get you comfortable with writing on an online forum and for your audience (your class members and myself). Keep it short, around 500 words, and relatively information. Focus on the task assigned and try not to worry about making each post "100% polished, final essay submission" material. This is designed to get you thinking and writing, not to test your knowledge of grammatical rules.

For your first post, I'd like you to think about your high school writing process from start to finish. Where do you brainstorm, how do you come up with ideas? I would like you to write about all of the steps you take to get from receiving an assignment to turning in the finished product. You are free to write about any aspect of your writing process that you want, but be sure to include the HARDEST part about writing an essay for you and the EASIEST part. Getting started? The conclusion? Grammar? I'm interested in hearing about your strengths and weaknesses!

If you have trouble figuring out what to write here are some things to think about: What do you do when you first get an essay assignment? Do you begin immediately or procrastinate? How do you brainstorm ideas? Do you start with a pen and paper or do you immediately begin typing? How do you come up with your thesis? Do you pick a topic that's easiest to write about or one that's more difficult or interesting  What environment do you work best in (library, at home, an on-campus computer lab? What time of day works best for you to focus? Do you prefer complete silence or do you need background noise? TV or music? Which genre of music makes your most productive? Do you proof-read yourself or do you ask others to help out? How do you organize your paragraphs? How many drafts to you go through?

Happy writing!

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