Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"From Pencils to Pixels"

We're finally on the last article for the unit! You have read and thought about many different ideas on literacy over the past few weeks, so hopefully you've started to gather some ideas of what you define as literacy in the 21st century. 

For homework before class on Friday, you should closely read and annotate Dennis Baron's article "From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy Technology" (click title for link) and answer the following questions:

1) According to the article, what is said to be the gateway to literacy? Do you agree or disagree?

2) How is writing a technology?

3) Is a pencil technology? Why or why not?

4) Why did Plato dislike writing/the written word?

5) According to the article, what are some of the pros of the written word vs. spoken word? Some cons?

6)How does Thoreau connect to pencil technology?

7) How did the telephone shape communications technology? Is this similar to how writing shaped communications technology?

8)How has technology impacted fraudulent writings and activities?

9)What is Baron's conclusion trying to get across?

10) How does this article implicitly define literacy?

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