Friday, November 8, 2013

Selecting 2 Texts for Unit 4

As of today, you have read and responded to 5 different articles  and one TED talk on literacy. By Monday, you should select the 2 articles/video that you would like to work with and analyze for your Unit 4 essay. 

To do so, you should first think about how you are going to define literacy (as first and foremost, the ability to read and write? The ability to communicate? The ability to think beneath the surface of a text? The ability to navigate technology and written materials? The ability to not only consume culture, but to produce culture?? You have quite a bit of freedom to choose what direction you want to take your essay in!)

After you define literacy, you should look over all the articles/video we have worked with and select 2 texts to work with. In your essay, you will be working to break down and analyze each article's argument about literacy AND, as a result of the analysis, you will be writing to define what literacy is in the 21st century. The 2 texts you choose may have similar arguments about literacy or they may have 2 completely different arguments, but your essay must analyze and discuss BOTH articles and their arguments about literacy.

After you choose your 2 texts, fill out the "Ethos, Pathos, and Logos: Thinking Critically about Someone Else's Work" worksheet (posted as a file on Canvas) for EACH ARTICLE you have chosen. You will upload both to Canvas before class on Monday, November 11th. 

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