Friday, November 1, 2013

"Laws that Choke Creativity" and "Brave New World of Digital Intimacy"

Below, you will find the link to Lawrence Lessig's TEDtalk we watched in class today: 

Over the weekend, you should closely read, highlight, and make notes on Clive Thompson's "Brave New World of Digital Intimacy" (PDF on Canvas) and the do the following:

1) What is Thompson's main argument or claim? Use the Paraphrase x3 heuristic to rewrite  and reword the main argument in 3 different ways. Try to find new ways to present the information to help you better and more completely understand the article's argument.

2) Why did Zuckerburg introduce the News Feed? What does this say about our ability to find information and our attention span to locate all of it? In your opinion, is the News Feed a good thing or a bad thing in terms of "literacy?" 

3) How does the article define "ambient awareness?" Do you experience ambient awareness?

4)What is the paradox of ambient awareness and how does it impact our relationships with Facebook friends? Is there a downfall of being aware of our friends' lives without actually having to talk to them? A benefit?

5)What is an ambient update? Give an example. 

6) Thompson talks about social media updates as "skimmable"-- how does this connect to our ongoing class conversations about literacy?

7)What does Thompson have to say about our "weak ties" or our "friends" on social media that are really more acquaintances? Do they help or hurt us?

8)According to Thompson, why do 20 somethings feel pressured to stay connected on Facebook?

9) How does this article define literacy in the 21st century? Does the article change or add to your own understanding of literacy?

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