Monday, September 9, 2013

Backwards Outline Activity

In an effort to have you read your Unit I Essay read one. more. time. by a classmate, this Backwards Outline activity will help you get a fresh perspective on your essay and maybe make some last minute changes on essay organization or flow before turning in your final draft of the Unit 1 essay on Canvas before class on Wednesday, September 11th.

First, switch essays with someone who has never read your work before-- don't switch with someone in your writing group. As you start the activity, begin reading your classmate's work from the conclusion of their essay, and working backwards do the following for each paragraph of your essay:
       Identify and paraphrase the topic of the paragraph into one sentence—what is your classmate trying to say in that paragraph?
       Identify what the paragraph does—its purpose and connection to the essay. Why is it included in the essay?
       Put the above items in a numbered list on a separate sheet of paper-- number the paragraphs backwards, so #1 should be the conclusion, #2 is the second to last paragraph, and so on and so forth.

Considering the overall organization of your essay, answer the following questions:
       How well does the essay flow from beginning to end?
       Where does the organization not make sense or lose its flow? In any specific paragraphs? Can they be re-ordered to make more sense?
       What can you do to fix any of these problems?
       Are there transitions between paragraphs?
       Considering the overall organization within paragraphs: Does each paragraph focus on one main point? Are there paragraphs where the point is not clear, or where 2-3 unrelated points are raised? Do other sentences in the paragraph work to support the main point? Are there transitions between ideas within the paragraph? 

After constructing the backwards outline for your classmate, switch papers, review what your classmate had to say about you work, and then have a discussion about your findings. 

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