Thursday, September 19, 2013

How to Attend Your ENGL1100 Conference

After you schedule your mandatory 1-on-1 conference on the Google doc, please do the following:

1.  Prepare for your conference by completing and bringing your 2-3 page draft (hard copy OR laptop/tablet).

2. Come up with 2-3 specific questions about the assignment/your draft that you would like answered.

3.  Understand that your conference is not a time for me to read your draft and make commentary on every single piece, but I will read over and offer suggestions if you have a specific question in mind about something in your introduction, thesis, transitions, body paragraphs, etc. I will answer any questions you have during the allotted time, but if you do not prepare any questions, I will not give you any feedback.

4. To receive the full 10 minutes, arrive to your conference on time or even a few minutes early. If you are late, you will only be allotted the time left. (i.e.—if your conference is at 9:10 and you arrive at 9:15, we will only have 5 minutes to talk).

5. If you miss you conference time, you will receive an unexcused absence.  

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