Monday, September 16, 2013

Making an Interpretive Leap

As you begin your Unit 2 essay, you should be practicing heuristics such as Notice and Focus + Ranking, The Method, and Paraphrase x3 to help collect data before you begin analyzing the lyrics and visual rhetorics of your essay. 

For homework, you should read Writing Analytically (pgs. 72-78 AND pg. 82), which contains sections on distinguishing analysis from argument, ethos and analysis, analysis vs. summary, and making interpretive leaps. I recommend reading this assignment thoroughly, making notes and highlighting key passages, as this reading will play a large part of creating your Unit 2 essay. We will discuss these ideas fully in class on Wednesday. 

In Writing Analytically (pgs. 76-78), the text describes how analysis must make an interpretive leap from observations (found through heuristics) and making sense of what those observations might mean. After you have analyzed your song lyrics and videos, read this passage carefully and then make an interpretive leap about what your song's lyrics and visual rhetorics might mean. You will notice the reading from WA provides examples of interpretive leaps and how to intertwine summary (description of the text) alongside the analysis. Pay attention to the example and the chart on page 78 for a clear idea on what kinds of analysis and interpretation this essay is looking for and how you might use this method in your own writing. 

Post your work (analysis and interpretive leap of your texts) on your blog before class on Wednesday, September 18th. 

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